Toronto – December 3, 2015 – Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and Bruce Power have reached an agreement that will secure approximately 30 percent of Ontario’s electricity from the Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station located near Tiverton, Ontario on Lake Huron. Bruce Power will continue to supply 6,300 megawatts of affordable, reliable, low-carbon electricity to the provincial supply mix for the long term.
As envisaged in the Ontario government’s 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan, this agreement will enable Bruce Power to proceed with mid-life refurbishments of 6 more of its 8 generating units. Mid-life refurbishment adds another 30 to 35 years to the operating life of each unit. Units 1 and 2 refurbishments were completed prior to the new agreement.
“This agreement is good news for Ontario,” said Don MacKinnon, President of the Power Workers’ Union. “Bruce Power will continue to provide huge amounts of reliable, affordable, low-carbon electricity, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. That means for decades to come each and every day approximately 7,000 metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions will be avoided. It also means tens of thousands of good, high-skilled jobs right here in Ontario. These jobs include engineering and construction trades, workers at 160 nuclear supply chain companies located throughout Ontario, and the operations and maintenance staff at the Bruce site.” MacKinnon concluded “The wages from these jobs will also stimulate thousands of person years of employment in the rest of Ontario’s economy.”
About The Power Workers’ Union
The Power Workers’ Union (PWU) represents the operations and maintenance workforce at Bruce Power and the majority of the men and women who work throughout Ontario’s electricity production and delivery sector.
For further information, please contact:
John Sprackett 416-322-4787