
—- Press Release —- For Immediate Release New PWU discussion paper reflects on electricity system risks and the implications for Integrated Energy Planning Reform The PWU released a synopsis of its previous four discussion papers. These papers were offered to prompt discussion on better ways for Ontario to meet its growing electricity demand at a […]

—- Press Release —- For Immediate Release New PWU discussion paper examines how mitigating Ontario’s electricity system deliverability risks requires innovation Toronto, ON – September 11, 2024 — The fourth discussion paper in a series by the Power Workers’ Union (PWU), Ontario’s Electricity System Deliverability Risks Requires Innovations in the Distribution System – Power Workers’ […]

—PRESS RELEASE— Toronto, ON – June 3, 2024 — The third discussion paper in a series by the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) was released today. These papers are offered to prompt discussion on better ways for Ontario to meet its growing electricity demand at a lower cost, with lower carbon emissions and in a more […]

—PRESS RELEASE— Toronto, ON – May 13, 2024 — The second discussion paper,, in a series by the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) was released today. These papers are offered to prompt discussion on better ways for Ontario to meet its growing electricity demand at a lower cost, with lower carbon emissions and in a […]

In January 2024, the IESO released its 2024 Annual Planning Outlook (APO) and provided an overview for stakeholders on April 23, 2024. The PWU remains concerned that IESO’s approach does not adequately inform stakeholders about our province’s energy needs and fails to mitigate affordability and reliability risks. The PWU has initiated a series of discussion […]

—PRESS RELEASE— Toronto, ON – April 11, 2024 — A new discussion paper ( was released today by the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) that launches a series of papers to prompt discussion on better ways for Ontario to meet its growing electricity demand in a lower cost, lower carbon, and more reliable, affordable and timely […]

December 8, 2020 – The Power Workers’ Union has released a new report, Electricity Markets in Ontario: An Examination of Conditions and Options for Future Competitive Procurements”, prepared by Strategic Policy Economics (Strapolec). We commissioned this report to shed some independent, expert light on the current electricity market proposals for Ontario as we move to reduce carbon emissions through electrification of our economy.

The Power Workers’ Union welcomes their newest members from Whitby-Veridian (Elexicon)! After a representation vote was conducted, it was found that 87% of employees voted in favour of joining the PWU; making it the sole bargaining agent for all unionized employees at Elexicon Energy.

Power Workers’ Union President Applauds International Nuclear Power Initiative Vancouver, BC – Mel Hyatt, the President of the Power Workers’ Union, welcomes the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s call for a global and national commitment to clean, nuclear power. “If Canada and the world are to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, we need a national commitment […]

On May 9, 2019, the Power Workers’ Union participated in the Energy Sector consultation session in Toronto. During this event, the PWU inquired about the scope of the consultation at hand and were advised that it consisted of four entities; three of which include PWU members. This information confirmed what the PWU had already suspected – that […]

TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2018 — The Power Workers’ Union (PWU) is disappointed with the proposed changes to the Labour Relations Act,
1995 that undermine the current round of bargaining between Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and the PWU.

TORONTO, Dec. 14, 2018 — On December 14th 2018, the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) served OPG a strike notice in response to the
final offer rejected yesterday by 59.8% of the membership.

TORONTO, Dec. 13, 2018 — On December 13th 2018 Power Workers’ Union (PWU) employees of Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
voted in favour of job action after negotiations broke down as a result of PWU members rejecting OPG’s final offer.

The Power Workers’ Union believes the recent decision by Ontario Power Generation to close the world’s largest generating station to be converted from coal to advanced biomass in Thunder Bay, is short-sighted. “It will ultimately lead to the disappearance of the region’s established biomass innovation cluster and most importantly the significant economic, environmental and social […]

After many efforts by the Power Workers’ Union to fight for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to remain open, the current government has confirmed their commitment to keeping the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station open until 2024. This commitment will protect 4,500 local jobs in Durham Region, and an additional 3,000 jobs across the province. The […]

Darlington Nuclear to produce lifesaving medical isotopes The Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington, Ont. has announced a plan to produce crucial radioactive isotopes used to detect conditions such as heart disease and cancer. In a collaboration between Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) subsidiary Canadian Nuclear Partners, and U.S.-based BWX Technologies, Darlington will produce molybdenum-99 (Mo-99), […]

The Nanticoke Generating Station, situated on Lake Erie, was built in 1972 and began producing electricity in 1973. The plant was finally closed in 2013, in accordance with Ontario’s 2007 decision to move away from coal-fired electricity generation. Since then, the station had been kept in a state of preservation with a small number of […]

The Power Workers’ Union (PWU) is united with like-minded organizations that recognize the importance of the Bruce Power Generating Station (BPNGS). We ask all PWU members and those from the Retired Workers’ Chapter, to show their support for Bruce Power and its ten-year licence renewal application. You can quickly and easily sign your name to […]

The Power Workers’ Union commends the Ontario government for its announcement yesterday supporting the ongoing refurbishment project at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. This is good news for Ontario’s environment and economy. Representatives of the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) were among the crowd who gathered at the Darlington Energy Complex on Thursday February 15, to […]

Members of the PWU and Hydro One Bargaining Committees pause for a commemorative photo as collective bargaining begins. The bargaining committees representing the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) and Hydro One met for the first time on January 15, 2018. Mel Hyatt, President of the PWU and Mayo Schmidt, President and CEO of Hydro One, delivered […]

(left) Mel Hyatt, President of the PWU and Jeff Lyash, President and CEO of OPG, shake hands following the PWU-OPG collective bargaining kick off meeting. The first meeting between the bargaining committees representing the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) and Ontario Power Generation (OPG) took place on January 12, 2018. The meeting began with some opening […]

PWU Members Participate in the Movember Campaign For the last 14 years, during the month of November, men have been letting their facial hair grow and grooming it in attention-grabbing ways to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues. Upon being founded in 2003, the “Movember” fundraising initiative began in Australia and quickly gained […]

FAO Report Confirms Nuclear Power is Irreplaceable in Ontario’s Long-Term Supply Mix Tiverton, ON – November 21, 2017 – Today, the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) released its nuclear refurbishment report, “An Assessment of the Financial Risks of the Nuclear Refurbishment Plan.” The Power Workers’ Union (PWU) welcomes today’s report, as it confirms the […]

Mel Hyatt, President of the Power Workers’ Union (left) and Anthony Haines, President and CEO of Toronto Hydro. Bargaining towards a new collective agreement between the PWU and Toronto Hydro began on October 17, 2017 with representatives from each side meeting at the bargaining table for the first time. The proceedings commenced with remarks from […]

The PWU Needs You to Show Your Support for More Than 7,500 PWU Members You can help to achieve the goal of a strong nuclear presence in the newest Ontario Government Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP). The Power Workers’ Union (PWU) has partnered with nuclear industry operating companies, nuclear supply chain companies and unions with similar […]

On behalf of everyone at the Power Workers’ Union (PWU), it gives me great pleasure to welcome all unionized employees from Alectra Utilities into our Membership. The official results from the representation vote that was conducted by the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 are as follows: Total number of eligible […]

A Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between Alectra, the PWU, the IBEW and Unifor was reached on Thursday, May 31, 2017 in regards to Alectra’s application to the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB), seeking a representation vote to decide which of the three unions will be the bargaining agent for all unionized employees of Alectra going […]

Pictured from left; Jeffrey Lyash (Ontario Power Generation), Anthony Haines (Toronto Hydro), Hon. Glen Murray (Minister of Environment and Climate Change),Cara Clairman (Plug’n Drive), David Collie (Electrical Safety Authority), Don MacKinnon (Power Workers’ Union), Mike Rencheck (Bruce Power), Raymond Chun (TD Insurance). A partnership in innovation among the leaders of various stakeholders in Ontario’s […]

On January 16, 2017, southern Ontario’s newest emerging electrical utility announced that it now has a name, Alectra. Alectra began business operations on February 1, 2017. Forged from the merger of the three local distribution companies (LDC); PowerStream, Enersource and Horizon Utilities, Alectra is set to finalize the purchase of Hydro One Brampton on February […]

Local Distribution Company Applies to Labour Board To Force a Representation Vote In January of last year the sale of Brant County Power Inc. to Cambridge and North Dumfries Hydro Inc. became official and the two local distribution companies (LDC) amalgamated as a new entity called Energy+ Inc. The newly formed LDC’s territory covers 562 […]

Pickering Nuclear is a key, low-cost source of electricity in Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan On Jan. 11, 2016, following an in-depth cost-benefit analysis of all electricity options in the province, the Wynne Government announced Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) Pickering nuclear facility would operate until 2024. While there is currently a lot of commentary in Ontario […]

The Council of the Great Lakes Region (CGLR) and its partners have released a report on Ontario’s electricity system – titled ‘Ontario’s Long-Term Energy Plan: Understanding Carbon Emissions, the Role of Nuclear and Electricity Trade with Quebec’ – which finds nuclear energy is a critical source of reliable electricity to maintain system reliability, achieve climate […]

Plug’n Drive is hosting three “sneak-peek” open houses in April: Saturday, April 22 – 11AM to 6 PM (All-Day Test Drive) Thursday, April 27 – 4PM to 8PM (Test Drives 4PM – 6PM | Wine,Beer and Refreshments 6 PM – 8 PM) Sunday, April 30 – 11AM to 6PM (All-Day Test Drive) Located at 1126 […]

A merger between CUPE Local One and the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) is now final. CUPE Local One Members at Toronto Hydro and Cogeco Peer 1 Communications, voted with 92% approval to merge into the Power Workers’ Union on Thursday, September 15, 2016. The PWU finalized its endorsement of the merger at the 2016 Council […]

On Wednesday, September 21, three incredibly brave Staff Officers from the Power Workers’ Union (PWU) literally went “over the edge” in an effort to raise money for kids in need. The 2016 Easter Seals Drop Zone is a unique national fundraising concept designed to deliver a real exhilarating experience for those brave enough to participate. […]

Toronto – September 16, 2016 – On Thursday, September 15th CUPE Local One Members at Toronto Hydro and Cogeco Peer 1 Communications voted by a margin of 92 percent to merge into the Power Workers’ Union (PWU). The PWU is expected to finalize its approval of the merger at their annual convention in the last […]

Historically, Ontario has exported and imported significant amounts of electricity to and from Manitoba, Quebec, Michigan and New York. These arrangements help ensure Ontario has sufficient reliable energy and capacity to meet provincial demand. The province’s 2013 Long-Term Energy Plan (LTEP) indicated that Ontario would continue to pursue cost-effective imports to help meet its future […]

Toronto – December 3, 2015 – Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and Bruce Power have reached an agreement that will secure approximately 30 percent of Ontario’s electricity from the Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station located near Tiverton, Ontario on Lake Huron. Bruce Power will continue to supply 6,300 megawatts of affordable, reliable, low-carbon […]

The PWU has released a study prepared by Strategic Policy Economics that outlines the environmental and economic benefits of the extending the operating life of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station by four years until 2024. The study demonstrates that this extension would avoid greenhouse gas emissions by over 18 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, lower […]
PWU Members Joanne Usher and Larry Alderdice Interviewed for Canadian Nuclear Association Web Post. Read more.
Curious how much nuclear power is being generated in Ontario on any given day? What about any given hour? If so, you may want to check out the Canadian Nuclear Association’s new ‘Energy in Ontario’ web app, which shows daily and hourly energy generation by selected fuels – and related lifecycle pollution emissions. Read more.

A new report suggests that Ontario’s 2013 long term energy plan will not achieve its stated objectives. This analysis, using data from the plan itself, shows that Ontario is locking itself into a higher greenhouse gas future at higher cost and with lower economic benefits than the 2010 plan which it replaces. Read more.
Beginning November 24, the next round of the Canadian Labour Congress’s FAIRNESS WORKS ads will go to air in every region of the country, hit the streets of four major urban centres and pop-up on people’s computer screens and devices. Read more
A coalition of respected business, economic development, trades and union leaders released an Economic Impact Study on the positive role the Bruce Power site plays in the province. Affordable Power: Jobs & Growth highlights the positive impact Bruce Power’s eight nuclear units, which supply about one-third of Ontario’s electricity while producing no carbon emissions, have […]
Nuclear-generated electricity was the right choice for Ontario decades ago and is the right choice today, writes the head of the Canadian Nuclear Association – Toronto Star View as PDF
It it ethical to take union-won benefits without joining? Read more
All PWU members are reminded to observe a minute of silent reflection at 11 a.m. on Monday, April 28th. The Canadian labour movement began the Day of Mourning in 1984 to remember lives lost in the workplace and to renew our resolve to prevent future tragedies. April 28th was chosen because it was on that date in […]
Power Workers’ Union (PWU) President, Don MacKinnon expressed his support for today’s announcement from Bruce Power regarding changes to its ownership structure. “We are very pleased with today’s announcement that Borealis Infrastructure [the investment wing of the Ontario Municipal Employees Pension Plan (OMERS)], will acquire Cameco’s 31.6 percent interest in Bruce Power’s Bruce B Nuclear […]
The Forum Research poll found that 54 per cent are comfortable with atomic energy compared to 23 per cent who oppose it, while 23 per cent had no opinion. Read more
Ontario PC leader Tim Hudak is championing U.S.-style labour laws designed to weaken unions, but similar laws in the U.S. have driven down wages and kicked increasing numbers of people out of the middle class. In this documentary, veteran journalist Bill Gillespie heads south to find out the real impact of what Hudak is planning […]
As Tim Hudak fights for his own job security as Tory leader, watch him try to sacrifice the job security of workers across the province. Read more
This paper, prepared by Strategic Policy Economics Inc., has developed two contrasting scenarios to illustrate the implications of possible alternative supply mix choices for: total energy costs and electricity rates; the economic impacts of the investments required to bring the alternative generation capacities online; and, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The two scenarios have been selected […]
This paper, prepared by Strategic Policy Economics Inc., presents the results of an analysis of available public sources with the purpose of creating an evidence-based forecast of the costs that will arise if the Ministry of Energy’s (MoE) Long Term Energy Plan (LTEP) for the next five years is fully implemented. The objective of this […]