The Working Rules
The Hiring Hall Working Rules, which can be found below, set out the procedures by which members are referred to work.
The PWU Hiring Hall is responsible for the dispatch of all PWU non-certified trades classifications. Members of the PWU Hiring Hall in a non-certified trades classification are subject to the same rules and benefits.
- A member who is laid off, quits or is terminated from their employment must register with the PWU Dispatch at 1-866-491-4310 or through member link at by 4:00 p.m. the following day to register a layoff date.
- The order of registration on the Out of Work List will be according to the date of the registered layoff.
- All registration on the Out-of-Work List for a given date will be recorded in the order of the member’s Established Commencement Date (ECD). The member with the most recent ECD date (least seniority) is placed on the Out of Work List first and so on. Members laid off on the same day who have the same ECD will be recorded and registered in the order determined by a draw.
- Members referred to work through the hiring hall will lose their place on the Out-of-Work List when the Job Referral lasts more than two weeks (Subject to 5 below).
- If a member is laid off and has not accumulated enough hours to collect maximum EI benefits per week, he/she will retain their layoff date until enough hours have been accumulated to collect maximum EI benefits. It will be the responsibility of the member to provide documentation to the Union Office confirming their ineligibility for Maximum EI benefits per week.
- A member laid off in one geographic area (per the applicable collective agreement) of the Province is entitled to rehire in that same geographic area if there is a call for workers within two weeks of the layoff (Based on the ECD). This rule also applies to Generating facilities on a site-specific basis.
- Members six months in arrears in the Basic Dues will lose their membership and all privileges in the Union. Ex-members may be reinstated with payment of a $150 reinstatement fee effective on date of receipt of said dues.
- Members will be dispatched to work in the following manner:
- All help requisitions will be aired on the Job Hotline:1-866-611-3625 or through member link at
- Members will have the sole responsibility to secure employment through the Job Hotline by:
- Monitoring the Job Line or member link at
- Leaving a message on at PWU Dispatch Support at 1-866-491-4310 including their name, phone number and the job in question or through or member link at
- Once a deadline date and time have been established on the Job Line for a particular help requisition, those members highest on the Out of Work List who have responded will be placed to work.
- These rules are established as a guideline for dispatch and are subject to change by the Union when necessary to protect the work opportunities of the Union.