Collective Agreements
The PWU has negotiated Hiring Hall arrangements as part of its collective agreements with the following employers:
Electrical Safety Authority
Electrical Inspectors are referred to the ESA through the Joint CUSW/PWU Dispatch. The PWU and ESA jointly agree to the list of qualified Electrical Inspectors. Electrical Inspectors must hold a valid Construction and Maintenance Electricians License (309A) with a minimum of 10 years of experience in the electrical trade. Applicants with the required qualifications, referred through the PWU, are interviewed and accepted by the ESA prior to being eligible to be referred to work through the Hiring Hall.
Inspectors are generally hired by geographic location. Inspectors hired outside their geographic location are eligible for the same subsistence allowance provisions as regular Electrical Inspectors.
Electrical Inspectors have $3 per earned hour remitted to the retirement plan and $2 per earned hour remitted to the benefit plan.

Hydro One
PWU members are referred to Hydro One through the Joint Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW)/PWU Dispatch for all mechanical, electrical, forestry and non-trades (e.g., Protection and Control Technologists, Meter Readers). Certified and Uncertified Civil Trades workers are referred from the Labourers International Union of North America (LiUNA) through the PWU.
PWU and CUSW members have $3 per earned hour remitted to the retirement plan and $3 per earned hour remitted to the benefit plan. LiUNA members have their health benefits and retirement money sent to their Local Union for deposit into their plans.
While working under the PWU/Hydro One Appendix “A,” LiUNA members are represented by the PWU as PWU members.
LiUNA and PWU members working under Appendix A of the PWU/Hydro One Collective Agreement are eligible for travel allowances when their regular residence is greater than 40 kilometres from the work location. When a member’s regular residence is greater than 97 kilometres from the site, room and board allowance may be paid, subject to proving a financial commitment to the regular residence (e.g., property tax bill, mortgage statement, rental agreement, landlord’s statement or a current utility bill).

PWU members are referred to Inergi through the Joint Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW)/PWU Dispatch for all trades and non-trades work. Certified and Uncertified Civil Trades workers are referred from the Labourers International Union of North America (LiUNA) through the PWU.
Non-trades members working at Inergi are referred to work under the Supplementary Employees Referral Program (SERP). Members referred to work under SERP include information technology, logistical, clerical and administrative positions. Members working as part of the SERP are not eligible for travel or room and board allowance when working away from their homes unless the Employer transfers them.
PWU and CUSW members have $3 per earned hour remitted to the retirement plan and $3 per earned hour remitted to the benefit plan. LiUNA members have their health benefits and retirement deductions sent to their Local Union for deposit into their plans.
While working under the PWU/Inergi Appendix A, LIUNA members are represented by the PWU as PWU members.
LiUNA and PWU members working under Appendix A of the PWU/Inergi Collective Agreement are eligible for travel allowances when their regular residence is greater than 40 kilometres from the work location. When a member’s regular residence is greater than 97 kilometres from the site, room and board allowance may be paid, subject to proving a financial commitment to the regular residence (e.g., property tax bill, mortgage statement, rental agreement, landlord’s statement or a current utility bill).

New Horizon Systems Solutions
PWU members are referred to New Horizon Systems Solutions through the Joint Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW)/PWU Dispatch for non-trades work.
Non-trades members working at New Horizon Systems Solutions are referred to work under the Supplementary Employees Referral Program (SERP). Members referred to work under SERP include information technology, logistical, clerical and administrative positions. Members working as part of the SERP are not eligible for travel or room and board allowance when working away from their homes unless the Employer transfers them.
PWU members have $3 per earned hour remitted to the retirement plan and $3 per earned hour is remitted to the benefit plan.

Ontario Power Generation (Nuclear)
PWU members are referred Ontario Power Generation (Nuclear) through the Joint Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW)/PWU Dispatch for all electrical trades work. Trades workers are referred from the appropriate Building Trades Union (BTU) under the terms of the Chestnut Park Accord Addendum.
While working under the PWU/OPG (Nuclear) Appendix A, BTU members are represented by the PWU as PWU members.
PWU members have benefits and retirement deductions remitted to the plans in accordance with the wage schedule established by CUSW.
Members at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, Pickering Nuclear Generating Station and at the Bruce Power site are eligible for travel and room and board allowances. The PWU/OPG (Nuclear) Collective Agreement governs eligibility and amounts payable.

Bruce Power
PWU members are referred to Bruce Power through the Joint Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW)/PWU Dispatch for all electrical trades and non-trades work. Trades workers are referred from the appropriate Building Trades Union (BTU) under the Chestnut Park Accord Addendum.
While working under the PWU/Bruce Power Appendix A, BTU members are represented by the PWU as PWU members.
PWU members have $6.98 per paid hour remitted to the retirement plan and $3.00 per worked hour remitted to the benefit plan. BTU members have their health and pension deductions sent to their union for deposit into their plans.
Members working under Appendix A of the PWU/Hydro One Collective Agreement are eligible to collect travel allowance when their regular residence is greater than 40 kilometres from the work location. When a member’s regular residence is greater than 97 kilometres from the site, room and board allowance may be paid, subject to proving a financial commitment to the regular residence (e.g., property tax bill, mortgage statement, rental agreement, landlord’s statement or a current utility bill).