PWU members are referred to Bruce Power through the Joint Canadian Union of Skilled Workers (CUSW)/PWU Dispatch for all electrical trades and non-trades work. Trades workers are referred from the appropriate Building Trades Union (BTU) under the Chestnut Park Accord Addendum.

While working under the PWU/Bruce Power Appendix A, BTU members are represented by the PWU as PWU members.

PWU members have $6.98 per paid hour remitted to the retirement plan and $3.00 per worked hour remitted to the benefit plan. BTU members have their health and pension deductions sent to their union for deposit into their plans.

Members working under Appendix A of the PWU/Hydro One Collective Agreement are eligible to collect travel allowance when their regular residence is greater than 40 kilometres from the work location. When a member’s regular residence is greater than 97 kilometres from the site, room and board allowance may be paid, subject to proving a financial commitment to the regular residence (e.g., property tax bill, mortgage statement, rental agreement, landlord’s statement or a current utility bill).