With Pickering Nuclear ceasing operations in 2025 and new procurement mechanisms to rely on 3-year procurement contracts, Ontario risks being left without long-term, cost-effective, viable supply [...]
The IESO is exploring the expanded participation of various resources in the IESO markets as potential sources of additional capacity to help meet the looming capacity gap in 2026, left by the [...]
Years after the Ontario government officially ended the Green Economy Act and the associated prioritization of renewable energy projects, legislation and regulations continue to enforce these [...]
Seventy-five years ago, 2,600 employees at the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario decided to join forces and become a Union. When I look at the challenges we have faced together over the [...]
The PWU supports a sustainable, environmentally-responsible transportation sector that includes addressing climate change as a priority. We are encouraged by the Ministry’s shared vision and [...]
Supporting the CNSC recommendation to extend the Power Reactor Site Preparation License for the Darlington New Nuclear Project. A renewed license will permit OPG to continue the process of [...]
Ontario’s commitment to replace Pickering with renewed natural gas-fired generation contracts is increasing emissions and putting the reliability of the electricity system at risk. In this [...]